
Archive for March, 2011

Since I have not written in a while, I will give you a brief overview of everything that has happened over the last several months:

I decided that my thesis should reflect the person I am and want to be, so I decided that who I am is a helper. The main objective of my project was to actively involve people in this project so that it was more relational to a broader audience, rather than stand-offish. I wanted to make a difference to the small world around me and get something started. What I ended up with was so much more than I could have ever asked for.

Artist’s Statement:

We all have secrets, and people dealing with an eating disorder have a very large burden that they carry because of the shame, guilt, and stress felt from having this disorder. It is very rare that an eating disorder is about the food they …eat. Rather, it is a struggle with their emotions and their perceived lack of control in a world they may not feel like they have any control, and they try to push it as far as becoming—or appearing—effortlessly perfect. My objective is to make people aware of disordered eating patterns and give them tools to help someone—be it for a friend or self—who might be dealing or coping with an eating disorder.

The result was amazing. God blessed me beyond measure with this project, and I still plan on pursuing this project for at least one more year. We will see where it goes 🙂

Check out this site, I was featured in my school newspaper:)


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