
Archive for July, 2010


Well, I have made it back to the States safe and sound, so no need to worry there.

In case you were wondering, the last several days have been quite crazy. In between trying to spend time with old friends, finding a new apartment, and unloading my stuff (not working out so well, sorry mom and dad…), I’m kind of in the process of trying to get re-acquainted with the American way of life. I, thankfully, did not have much trouble trying to figure out how to drive again (I will say that as I was driving up to Moscow, I couldn’t figure out why the car was slowing down. Then I realized the problem: you need to press the gas pedal to propel it into forward motion!), but there are some things that are a little weird that I have to get used to again.

For example, I had coffee this morning with a friend, and It was really odd ordering a small and getting a gargantuan cup of coffee! On top of that, it was not as flavorful as the stuff I had down under… oh dear. I suppose it’s starting isn’t it?

I also am starting to miss a lot of the people I regularly hung out with while there, I miss Amanda and Lauren, and I also miss the CSU/Ultimo  crew. I miss the fellowship I had with them and their laughter, smiles, and just them in general.

I miss the random conversations I had with Bridget and Grace. I still think it would be fantastic to have a road trip with the two of them! It would be awesome!

I even miss the bats… but I knew I would miss those.

Aside from the things I miss, I will say that I don’t miss having to pay per kilobyte for the interwebs. I don’t miss that!

Hope all is well with each of you!


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